Flagler Unemployment Remains Flat at 4.1% - PALM COAST - FLAGLER REGIONAL CHAMBER

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Flagler Unemployment Remains Flat at 4.1%

For the third consecutive month, Flagler County's unemployment rate remained flat at 4.1%, according to the March 2024 data release from Florida Commerce. Meanwhile, Florida's unemployment rate has consistently increased over the past year, ticking up to 3.2% in March 2024.

"Residents should know what's happening in Flagler County and Florida is an extension of national economic trends. High interest rates and stubbornly high inflation are having their impact on consumers, making them feel less positive about making big ticket purchases," said Greg Blosé, President & CEO, Palm Coast-Flagler Regional Chamber of Commerce.

"It's also worth noting Flagler's unemployment rate is usually highest during the winter and early spring months," Blosé continued. "What will be telling is whether the expected increase in local jobs centered in the tourism and retail industry materialize, as usual, in the coming months. If local tourism and retail jobs grow in the coming months, it's an indicator of more positive news coming as we approach summer. If local tourism and retail jobs do not grow, it's an indicator that the financial pressures facing consumers is having an impact on buying decisions, such as vacationing to visiting Flagler County."

The number of Flagler County residents that are employed (either working in this county or another county) increased from 49,742 in February 2024 to 49,876 in March 2024, an increase of 134 residents.

The number of unemployed job-seeking residents in Flagler County remained flat, measuring 2,112 in March 2024, down from 2,122 in February 2024, a decrease of 10 residents from last month's report.

The Flagler County labor force is reported at 51,986 residents.

©2023 Palm Coast-Flagler Regional Chamber of Commerce

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